SpatialStream® Code Examples

Browse Layers

The BrowseLayers component is used to discover what layers are available within a specific path or group of paths and return metadata about each layer. This example is browsing to three paths: DMP_LICENSE, ACCOUNT_FOLDER, MY_FOLDER in a single call. Although the metadata is returned for each layer this example only displays the name of each layer.

The primary benefit of the BrowseLayers component is it makes accessible the available layers within an account without needing to define the layers within the application. This allows the separation of responsibility between application programming and layer development and speeds implementation and deployment. As new layers appropriate to the application become available they can be added independent of the application release cycle.


// Browse all the layers that are available to the authenticated user
var url = "BrowseLayers.aspx?Folder=DMP_LICENSE,ACCOUNT_FOLDER,MY_FOLDER";

Dmp.Env.Connections["SS"].getJson(url, success, failure);

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